
Making Melville Marvellous 2022

Cllr. Darren Cowell

Some nine years ago I was involved in the publication of the Making Melville Marvellous report, I’m sure readers will know about this initiative, as this very magazine is part of the renewed focus to deliver change in the area.

I am heartened to see the strengthening community engagement in a variety of projects and events being supported by partnership between the Melville Hill Group Events Team, Groundworks, Torbay Council and other agencies, which are so well supported by the dedication of the area’s Community Builders.

There are plans to have a wide consultation and engagement process to identify what residents want to see in terms of parking, traffic flow and vehicular access as well as how the street scene can be improved – perhaps with planters and trees? Watch out for details in the coming weeks.

Additional CCTV cameras are to be installed at three ‘hot spot’ locations including one to cover The Point, which is a growing community project. There are also discussions about a mural along the wall leading to the car park – again watch out for details of engagement activities.

As an Administration, run as a Partnership between Independents and Lib Dems, we remain committed to addressing the issues that affect the area and continue to work with the Police and others to deal with unwanted activities.

Improving living conditions for those in poor accommodation remains a key priority as well as looking for solutions to deal with both Roebuck House and the Old Laundry site.
By continuing our joint endeavours I am certain we can indeed make Melville Marvellous.

Cllr Darren Cowell – Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance
Independent, Shiphay Ward

t: @darrencowell
f: @darrencowell

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