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Live Longer Better

Our mission is to provide learning opportunities for people who are living longer, those people who provide support, as professionals, as volunteers or as family members, and for those people who have to lead the revolution from where we are now, believing that everything is due to ageing and therefore immutable, to a society in which it is accepted that people can maintain and improve wellbeing at any age.

The optimal ageing revolution

It is important to emphasise that what happens to you as you live longer is not always your fault, nor is it all caused by the normal biological ageing process. There are environmental pressures. The world in which we live is a dangerous place, with many factors, social and physical, from low income to air pollution,  causing the problems that surface as the decades pass. As well as offering coaching to individuals we want to change the way society, and the health and social services, think about ageing and growing older.  We need to change the environment, both physical and social, and our social objectives are: 

  • To inform people about the inter-relationship between ageing, loss of fitness, disease and the beliefs and attitudes of society 
  • To support people who would benefit from overcoming the obstacles to increased social, mental and physical activity
  • To promote the positive contribution that older people make to society 
  • To enable the NHS  to play a leading role in promoting a culture in which activity is seen as of increasing relevance with increasing age and the diagnosis of disease, for example by prescribing activity therapy as well as drug therapy, operative therapy and psychological therapy for everyone with long term  conditions
  • To help the fitness industry reach those who would benefit most from its resources and reposition itself as a wellbeing industry
  • ​To support local authority services, including social services achieve the objectives set out in Section to of the Social care Act of 2014
  • To help people of all ages use online services as easily as they use electricity


For more details, contact Jess Slade by phoning 07772 023170 or emailing jessslade@torbaycdt.org.uk

You can also visit the Live Longer Better website for full details on the national scheme: https://www.livelongerbetter.uk/

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