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Unleashed Theatre Company

A Christian theatre company established to create thought-provoking productions with a clear message of hope, Unleashed continually develops fresh ways to present the Christian message and encourage the faith community through its engagement with the arts. As a completely inclusive organisation, the emphasis is on community theatre that can make a positive difference, not only to those taking part but to audiences to whom the message of hope is conveyed. Now a registered charity, the company also has a particular remit to grow social action projects like Unleashed Community Drama and Unleashed Community Choir.

Community Drama

Although open to everyone, Unleashed Community Drama was formed specifically for people who have experienced homelessness first hand, are ex-offenders or in recovery from some form of addiction. The group offers a supportive, welcoming, affirming environment, with the aim of building confidence and self-worth, and drawing out performance skills. There is also the exciting opportunity to develop devised theatre pieces that give voice to the many issues members face, as well as to perform in professional venues and in productions where they can use the skills learnt in sessions.

Unleashed Community Drama meets every Thursday at The Royal Lyceum, 27-29 Abbey Road, Torquay, TQ2 5NQ from 10.00am – 12.00.

Community Choir

Singing is good for us: it’s a proven, scientific fact. A natural anti-depressant, it lowers stress levels and improves mental alertness and wellbeing. Unleashed Community Choir provides anyone and everyone with the opportunity to meet together with others – and sing. Those in recovery or who suffer with any form of mental illness are especially welcome. With no requirement to read music or have previous singing experience, members are actively helped and encouraged to find their voices within this special choir created for special people.

Unleashed Community Choir meets every Tuesday (during school term times) at The Royal Lyceum, 27-29 Abbey Road, Torquay, TQ2 5NQ from 7.30 – 9.30pm.

Contact : https://www.unleashedtheatrecompany.com/join-us/

Address: 27-29 Abbey Road, Torquay, TQ2 5NQ

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