Central Church


The striking high tower of Central Church, crowned with three crosses to signify the union of three churches, dominates the Torquay skyline and can be seen over a wide area. Built in 1976 it is a joint Methodist and United Reformed Church. With its multi-functional accommodation, it has become a busy centre for services, gatherings of all types, concerts and recitals. The congregation is cosmopolitan, coming as many do from other denominations, and all feel comfortable within its walls.

There is a broad base of worship – Sunday mornings start at 9.15am with our Rise and Shine Family Worship, a contemporary half hour service for All ages. Our 10.30am service is more traditional with our gowned choir in attendance every week.  

The third Sunday evening service each month is a Cafe Church, and there are midweek services/communion and prayers for healing. There are also House Groups. We actively support local community groups, such as food banks.

In addition, regular meetings of a variety of organisations, Guild, Beavers & Cubs, Guides & Brownies, a Flexercise group, a Badminton Club, Belleplates and a lively social life complete the picture.


10.30 am  Sunday Morning Worship
This is all age worship and incorporates traditional hymns with modern songs and visuals.
Suitable for all ages and people at all stages of their Christian journey.

Senior Steward/Secretary: Mrs Margaret NewmanEmail

Caretaker : Mr Darrell Sanderson/ Mr Keith Read07719 099901


Tor Hill Rd, Torquay TQ2 5RF

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