Melville Project CCTV

Thirteen new CCTV cameras will be deployed across Torbay thanks to a £1.1m windfall from the Home Office – and they could end up cracking crime in Okehampton and Dartmouth as well. The cameras will be used at spots across the Bay blighted by anti-social behaviour.
The extra investment includes monitors and an additional member of staff to operate the equipment, and has been made possible thanks to the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund. A successful joint bid was submitted by Torbay Council and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and the money will also be used to address violence against women and girls.
New areas which will now be covered include Melville Street and Torre Hill Road and there will be extra cameras on Abbey Road, the Harbourside and Lower Union Lane. The cameras are currently monitored in person until 2am on weeknights but the funding means this will be extended until 4am.
Read more:
Press release 7 OCT 2022 : DevonLive
Press release 23 FEB 2023 : DevonLive

Additional information
Purpose of CCTV is to improve safety and tackle crime, ASB and illegal drugs related problems.
Time coverage: Addition to existing Town CCTV system, live monitored by CCTV Officer until 2am and recorded 24h
New CCTV locations: