St Mags Church

St Mags is a “Jesus Centred, Grace filled, Kingdom living Community” And our vision for the bay and all the communities we live in, is that all can experience “Jesus: Full Life for ALL”
You are invited to come and discover who Jesus is and what he is calling us to. So far, we think it looks like this …
We are a church that is following Jesus, and seeking full life for all in the context we have been placed. St Mags is in a strategic location in the heart of Torquay and has mission right at its foundation. The original vision of the church was that the Gospel (the good news about Jesus) should be made freely available to all. It’s a great heritage and one that is firmly rooted in the Bible. The phrase that summarises this for us is: “Jesus: Full Life for ALL”
This means that Jesus is the one we are following; it is all about Him and for Him. It’s why we meet, pray, worship and seek to share our story and His with others.
Jesus is the one who brings full life. Life as is should be lived, being the people that he intended us to be. But this is not an abstract idea! It is both spiritual and practical. It affects our praying yes, but it also affects our working, our relationships and everything. Lives that are both transformed by and lived with God.
But the best bit is this – it’s for all. Jesus did not come to form a club of nice people. He came to bring full life for all people. People from every walk of life, rich, poor, young, old, happy, sad, whole and broken. Church is the only organisation on the planet that exists totally for its non-members. Jesus really is for all.
The fun part is that we are not waiting before we get on with this vision. We are a “Church on the way” meaning that He is shaping us on the way so we can fulfil the vision better.
The values
There are Eight core values or practices that are central to the life of St Mags and to what we believe a community with Jesus at it’s centre should look like. Our prayer and intention is that what we do, flows out of a rhythm of life where we create space to meet with God through prayer, learning, worship and making sure we unclutter our lives from noise and distraction.
Church Office: 01803 211868
Office opening hours 8.30am – 1pm Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Street address – St. Mary Magdalene Church, Union Street, Torquay, TQ1 4BX
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