Welcome to ‘The Point’

Local residents asked for a way so that we can keep in touch, find out what’s happening and access advice and support. We also wanted a way to ask questions of those that can make decisions that affect our lives, while making suggestions to improve our community.

We all expect similar things: decent life chances for ourselves and our children, reliable public services, a nice place to call home, and a promising future. An essential part of that is  letting everyone know what is available, while giving residents an opportunity to make positive changes.

To make this happen, our Council, Member of Parliament, and voluntary and government agencies, have all committed themselves to working with us to make our community the best it can be.

The area we cover includes the crest and slopes of Waldon Hill, streets already well served by the community associations of Melville and St Luke’s.

We looked at a few names for the site and the magazine, and came upon ‘The Point’. This is the name of the small park that overlooks Torquay Harbour.

For over a hundred years the Point was used by artists and photographers from all over the country. However, over the years its fame has been forgotten and it now feels a bit neglected.  There’s a metaphor here!

And let’s celebrate our communities; all those Victorian and Edwardian houses, side-by-side with modern apartments that make up our townscape.

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